SHOW #15

Breixo Martínez

Virgilio Massingue
Va Mu Dhlayile Kaia
David Zé
O Guerrilheiro
Unknown Soldier
21 di Sitebmru
Teta Lando
Angolano Segue em Frente
Jose Carlos Schwarz
Na Colonia
Tini Das Neves
Tudo Deste Mundo É Uma Ilusão
Malembe Malembe
Zè Manel
Bardade Dentro Di Bardade
Mindjer Di Panu Pretu
*Bonus track
Jones Manuel | Ngevu Fuma
Today we reach the 15th chapter in our Curtis Radio series, and what a great way to close the year and our first season of the show with an outstanding selection by our admired and esteemed Breixo Martinez. A DJs DJ, a never-failing source of musical knowledge, inspitation and discovery, his revered Canela en Surco radio show just turned 10 years old and has expanded into a record label, about to present its 3rd release. The first 2 releases already holding cult status. This 10 tunes selection (+1 bonus track) is introduced by Breixo as «the most appreciated records in my collection». Considering that his collection is basically a musical gold-mine, gives an idea of the level of dopeness we are dealing with here. So sit back, relax, don’t worry if you did not recognize any title in the track-list (we don’t know a single one either), just open your mind and ears, press play, turn it up, and enjoy the ride with Breixo Martinez at the controls…and thanks for listening, we will see you in 2023!